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Ayurveda Daily Routine (Dinacharya)

My introduction to Ayurveda started at a very early age when I couldn't even say the word Ayurveda.

After my father passed away, my grandmother started living with us. I was three at the time and I started observing my grandmother's daily routines. She used to wake up before sunrise and follow her routines precisely every day. I used to ask her questions as to why she does what she does every day. To help my curious mind, she explained her daily routine as a service to God. She explained to me that our God is within us and we need to take care of our entire self (body, mind, soul) to serve the god with all we have. One day I asked her as to what service are we doing for god by putting oil in our noses. She smiled and explained, it's like lighting a lamp where we put oil in a lamp which is our nose in this case and then light the fire which is our digestive fire (agni).

At that age, all the conversations I had with my grandmother were just small talks, Later in life, when I moved to the United States and started living on my own is when I recalled the importance of knowledge she embedded in me. Now, as a mother, it's the same knowledge I am trying to pass down to my kids with a hope that one day they will understand the importantance of self care via Ayurveda.

  • Rise Before Sunrise.

  • Say a quick prayer before leaving the bed.

  • Wash the face, mouth, and eyes with water.

  • Drink a glass of water preferably from a copper cup filled the night before.

  • Use a tongue scraper to scrape the tongue roughly 7-10 times. This stimulates the internal organs, improves digestion, and removes dead bacteria.

  • Oil pulling preferably with sesame oil. Oil pulling helps to strengthen teeth, gum, and jaw. Hold the oil in your mouth, swish it around vigorously, then spit it out.

  • Nasya (Nasal drops)- Putting 3 to 5 drops of warm ghee or oil into each nostril in the morning helps to lubricate the nose, clean the sinuses, may improve vision, and provides mental clarity.

  • Exercise and Pranayama - Pranayama is a breathing exercise is known to strengthen our lungs.

  • Bathing followed by dry brushing and warm oil massage.

  • Morning Breakfast - light, warm and healthy meal.


Disclaimer: The above-shared information is my personal faith and belief and which I contributed for blog purposes only. Please do not start any regimen or Ayurveda treatment based on what is provided on my blog. Please discuss your health issues with a doctor before you start any new treatment or medicines. This blog is only to spread awareness and insight into India's rich culture and tradition. Enjoy!!!

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